Nov 1, 2017
Two Qualities Of A Top-Notch Escort

Getting the best escort is just as challenging as getting the perfect suitor for you. There are thousands of escorts to choose from. You may never know who will turn out to be the best one for you. Here, we will explain two important factors to consider when looking for a high-end escort.

A woman in lingerie on a bed

Ability To Understand Men

God gave women the duty of understanding the men in their lives. However, most women have ignored this responsibility. For this reason, the women who take their time to understand men always win big in relationships. This is what Ada Katsby, a high-end escort in San Francisco try to do.

A woman's legs with high heels

As a man, you know yourself very well. In most cases, a man wants to meet a woman, which he can open up to comfortably. In addition, since men have weaknesses, they want a woman to tolerate their weaknesses. Hence, it is paramount to look for an escort who will provide the feeling of mutual understanding between the two of you. Healing starts where there is understanding.

Acceptance Of The Escort Job Title

Sometimes, the society is unfair to escorts. Whenever the word escort’ is mentioned, people think of the lowest class of people in the society. They forget that an escort is a woman who has sacrificed her image in the society for others to enjoy. For this reason, an escort should own her job title. She should go on with her business without worrying about other people’s judgments of her actions. In addition, she should be comfortable with her position in the society.

Escorts are in the business of providing what men want in their lives- a good companion and good sex. With these two, a man will achieve his dreams with ease. There are also some escorts who are good chefs. With these escorts, you get a perfect package- great companionship, great food, and great sex. Indeed, escorts deserve more respect from the society. They are just doing their job. Ask a man who has been served by an elite escort, and he will tell you that these people serve the interests of the majority of the men in the world.

A woman licking man's nipple

Indeed, a woman just needs to understand a man and love her job to be a top-notch escort. She needs to have the knack of performing the rituals of femininity in a way that attracts men to her like moths to flames. Additionally, she should get her clothing right, from the undergarments to her accessories. She will do anything to ensure that a man is gratified as if the heavenly angels have already shown him the direct way to paradise.…

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Oct 2, 2017
Reasons why you should date an Indian girl

While it is true that people have different tastes and preferences when it comes to women, you will agree with me that there is some category of women that we will all like. That might form a basis for a fierce debate, but at the end of it all, you will agree that indeed there is some truth in that statement. Indian ladies are known to be very popular all over the world for various reasons. So if you have never thought of dating an Indian girl or you feared to date them for various reasons, then you need to read this article. Here are some of the top reasons why you should consider dating an Indian girl.

They are attractive

An Indian woman's faceOne thing is for sure, Indian ladies are very attractive. This is not something that you need to be told but to see for yourself. If you are one of those people who love slim ladies, then this is that right place to go. This does not mean that all Indian girls are slim. No, there are some who are big enough to give you the satisfaction that you are probably looking for. However, it is good to take note of the fact that you can rarely find an Indian lady who is suffering from obesity.

Not cheap

Not many men who love women who are cheap to get. When it comes to dating, a good number of men will be attracted to ladies who requires one to put some effort if he is to lay them. This, however, does not mean that they are hard to get, you can get the one that you will be satisfied with if you only but a little effort. One thing that you need to understand is that when you decide to have sex, you will always enjoy it. This is because most of these ladies enjoy when men go down on them and likewise, they will have no problem reciprocating. Here you will have access to all holes if you are that type.

Sexual attractive

A woman's legs with panties pulled down 2For you to have a sweet sex that will blow up your mind, you will need to find a lady who you are attracted to sexually. The degree to which you will enjoy your intercourse is greatly affected by how much you are attracted to the lady that you are dating. So before you jump into this dating thing, be sure to identify someone that you feel you are attracted to. You can visit for more information.…

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Sep 28, 2017
Benefits of a tantric massage

Without a doubt, the continuous technological advancements made people’s lives easier. In fact, these inventions and innovation made people more productive. Apart from that, it made people’s lives more convenient and comfortable. However, no technological creations can ever replace the art of massages. In this article, we will focus on tantric massages.

A couple holding hands on sofa

To begin with, a tantric massage is an exciting and enticing type of massage. In fact, in this massage, the masseur/ masseuse will caress your body with his or her body. Of course, your masseuse/ masseur is naked too. Apart from the erotic experience, tantric massages have other benefits too. Thus, with a capable and competent masseur/ masseuse, you will surely enjoy the advantages mentioned below.

Nude model stool

Sex Life

Tantric massage is ideal for people who are looking to improve their sex life. Now, keep in mind that your sexual desire may or may not be direct with the masseur/ masseuse. Nevertheless, tantric massages are one of the most effective and efficient ways to boost a person’s sex drive.


lady iconThus, if you wanted to relax while enjoying a sensual feeling, booking for a tantric massage is the best way to go.

Sex Stamina

Aside from boosting your sex drive, the masseur/ masseuse during a tantric massage also aims to help you improve your sex stamina. In fact, the primary goal of the constant teasing during the massage session is to ensure that you do not climax too fast.

Alleviate Pain

Apart from ensuring that you get an erotic massage, the tantric masseur/ masseuse will also make sure that they relieve your body pains. In addition, the massage will help your muscles relax. Thus, if your back is aching, look for a tantric masseur/ masseuse that will replace the aching into arousing.

Emotional Healing

What separates tantric massage from other forms of massages is the fact that tantric massages have the ability to heal a person emotionally. In fact, tantric massages can clear your mind from problems; thus are proven helpful in terms of relieving recipients from the stress.

Enhanced Breathing

With tantric massages, one must utilize a breathing technique (pranayamas). This breathing technique primarily aims to help you dictate your arousal. Apparently, it enhances the breathing of the recipient too. In addition, your blood circulation will improve too.


In summary, any massage is proven relaxing and to rejuvenating. However, if you want a more exciting and enticing massage, then it is highly advisable to search for a reputable and reliable tantric massage provider. Of course, it goes with saying many factors come into play when looking for a masseur/ masseuse.…

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May 19, 2017
Facts About Sex and Men

Many people believe that men love sex like pizza irrespective of whether it is good or bad. This is just one of many myths associated with sex, and they should be thrown out for good. You will always find many people comparing sexuality between women and men. Some of the differences are exaggerated. Discussed below are some of the surprising things which women need to know about sex and men.

Men do and can fake organisms

A couple cuddling

Many men have confessed by men who fake orgasms to make their girlfriend happy. This is very common in men who are unable to reach climax during intercourse. You will find such men faking orgasm not to offend their girlfriends. You will be astonished by the high number of men who have faked organism in their lives.

Male’s orgasm must not come with evidence

There are some instances when men will orgasm without ejaculating. For instance, some men having diabetes have bladders which do not close well. This can allow semen into the bladder during intercourse. This fluid is released when such men urinate after sex. Old men especially those who have undergone through radical prostatectomy might will also no ejaculate after reaching orgasm. Individuals practicing tantric sex can also reach orgasm even without ejaculating.

Erection problems are also experienced in young men

Young men have sexual issues affecting them just like the old men. It is not only men over 40 who are using the little blue pills. Some of the issues affecting young men are and premature ejaculation and erectile problems. Twenty percent of the young men are faced with this problem.

Men are not always in good mood

A men in unbutton shirt and jeans

Some people believe that men are ever-willing and ever-ready for sex, but this is not always true. However, this can be true at the young age, but things change when men are overwhelmed with responsibilities in their life. Men who are bloated or stressed might not be in the mood. So if you are a lady, you should not freak out when your man is not feeling it sometimes. You should understand men can pass on sex at times.

Men are more focused on pleasing their partners than themselves

There is a myth which states that some guys are selfish in their bedroom. This is not the case with men. They are more concerned with making their partners pleased in the bedroom. This will even apply when a man has some bad feelings for his partner.




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May 13, 2017
Dangers of Masturbation On Men’s Health

Masturbation is one of the private activities in which many teenagers and adults engage in even without realizing its side effects. There are numerous negative effects which are associated with masturbation in both females and males. Many people will only look at the advantages of masturbation and ignore the potential dangers of this behaviour due to the self-satisfaction and pleasure that is associated with it. One can easily get addicted to it by overdoing it. Any masturbation which gets over the board is considered to be unhealthy. Research has shown that over 92% of females and above 95% of males masturbate.

Skin infection

Frequent or excessive masturbation can irritate the skin. The body juices are known for having high glucose levels. You can easily subject yourself to the skin or fungal infections if you don’t maintain good hygiene. Most of the chemicals found in soaps and lubricants can cause rashes on the skin and genitals. One can also contract an infection by introducing harmful bacteria to the pubic region. You are encouraged to thoroughly wash your hand before masturbating to keep off the harmful bacteria. Alternatively, you can stop exposing your skin to these dangers by quitting masturbation.

Sperm with black background

Sperm leakage

Sperm leakage can result from chronic masturbation. This is very common when your parasympathetic nerves are weakened. These nerves are helpful in holding an erection and shutting the ejaculation valves. This can lead to the flowing out of semen even when you are not engaged in sexual activity. Sperm leakage can ruin one’s self-esteem.

Change in the body’s chemistry

Masturbation can lead to over stimulation of the nervous functions when it is overdone. This can further lead to overproduction neurotransmitters and sex hormones such as serotonin, dopamine, and acetylcholine. Overproduction of these substances can make your adrenal glands and the brain to accelerate the conversion of dopamine-norepinephrine-epinephrine. This can adversely affect the body and the brain functions.

Weight loss

Women in over size jeans

Semen is rich in proteins which are useful for the various metabolic activities in the body. These proteins are also responsible for the formation of new body cells. One can easily interfere with the metabolic processes by losing a lot of semen through ejaculation. This can make you very lean by losing weight.

Erectile dysfunction

Individuals addicted to masturbation are more likely to develop weak and soft erections with time. Such people cannot satisfy their partners. This can also make your pelvic nerves and muscles to become weaker. Individuals with weak pelvic muscles will get tired quickly during sexual intercourse.


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